The Office of Faith-Based and Community Initiatives, in partnership with the Ohio Department of Mental Health and Addiction Services, will offer a $1M funding opportunity for faith-based and community-based organizations. The funds will be directed toward community-based strategies for mental wellness and support during this period of COVID-19. This opportunity is seeking to support Ohio’s most vulnerable populations. Local communities can apply for resources needed to empower everyday citizens to identify signs of poor mental health and/or addiction, reduce stigma associated with those issues, provide support, and offer resources to people about where to find help.

All questions must be submitted electronically no later than June 5 to OhioMHAS at Responses to frequently asked questions will be posted to the OhioMHAS Funding Opportunities web page.
Proposals must be submitted by June 12.
OhioMHAS is pleased to re-announce a State Opioid Response grant opportunity for federal fiscal year 2020. The SOR Project Ohio Opiate Response Continuum Grant for Organizations Serving Members of the African American, Hispanic/Latino American, and other Minority Communities (MHA-FY20-21-OOR-CountyHealth-12) continues to offer up to $15 million dollars available through Sept. 28, 2020, to provide funding for programs and projects that will increase access to treatment and recovery supports for African American, Hispanic/Latino American, and other minority community members with a primary or secondary diagnosis of opioid use disorder or those with a documented history of opiate related overdose.

Eligible applicants are county or city health departments collaborating with their community behavioral health authorities, community behavioral health authorities, or other county- or city-based organizations such as: Metropolitan Housing Authorities, probation departments, etc.; minority community-based organizations (MCBOs), such as UMADAOPs and Urban Leagues and other community-based organizations including faith based, primary care, federally-qualified or school-based health centers, aging living communities, behavioral health organizations, and other non-profit organizations.
All questions must be submitted electronically to no later than 5:30 p.m. on May 25. An information webinar series will be scheduled and announced at Responses to frequently asked questions will be posted to the OhioMHAS Funding Opportunities web page. Applications must be submitted to by 5 p.m. on June 8