ODJFS posted draft changes to OAC 5101:2-33-70 in October 2021 and has undergone several rounds of public comment and feedback. Some of the significant provisions include:

Additional data entry requirements were added for PCPAs and PNAs regarding visits with the provider.
Requirements for data entry into the residential treatment information system (RTIS) within SACWIS regarding discharge planning activities and aftercare support for those operating residential facilities.
A prohibition of employees or contractors from entering or viewing data when a conflict of interest exists.
Allowing for a corrective action plan to be put in place if it is found that there has been a violation of the rule and the JFS 07078 “Code of Responsibility.”
Requirements for SACWIS/RTIS information to be submitted the same day, or when available.
The rule has now been final filed and will take effect October 1. You can find the new language here. As you implement these changes, contact us and let us know what you think!