As a part ODM's effort to reshape its managed care program, the department will implement OhioRISE (Resilience through Integrated Systems and Excellence), a specialized managed care program for youth with complex behavioral health and multi-system needs in 2022.
This month, OhioRISE Advisory Council and Workgroup meetings have begun. The purpose of these meetings is to engage with stakeholders to obtain critical feedback and expert advice for OhioRISE’s services and operations. You can find the members selected to be in the Advisory Council here.
OhioRISE Advisory Council meetings will be open to the public. The OhioRISE Advisory Council held its first meeting on January 11, from 12-1:30 p.m. The presentation from that meeting, as well as information about upcoming OhioRISE Advisory Council and Workgroup meetings, can be found on the OhioRISE Website.
