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OhioMHAS Funds Development of Mental Health First Aid

Mental Health America of Northern Kentucky and Southwest Ohio has been awarded a $1.25 million grant from OhioMHAS to fund a collaborative to develop a sustainable, statewide strategy to focus on the efficient delivery of Mental Health First Aid (MHFA) for Adolescents and Transition-Age Youth, Mental Health First Aid for Older Adults, Mental Health First Aid for Minority Populations, and Mental Health First Aid for Faith and Spiritual Communities.

The non-profit collaborative created to implement the grant also includes:

Miami University’s Center for School-Based Mental Health Programs and the University’s Discovery Center for Evaluation, Research, and Professional Learning; Mental Health America of Ohio; the Ohio Mental Health Network for School Success; as well as support from regional and national MHFA experts. Combined, these organizations have already certified more than 7,900 individuals in Mental Health First Aid and Youth Mental Health First Aid in Ohio.

To schedule a virtual training for your organization, or for more information, please contact:

Adult Mental Health First Aid | Tori Ivan

Youth Mental Health First Aid | Kathleen Oberlin


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