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ODH Releases Home Visiting Grant

The Ohio Department of Health's Bureau of Maternal, Child and Family Health announces the availability of grant funds for existing and newly anticipated Home Visiting providers.

The Department will utilize Maternal Infant and Early Childhood Home Visiting funding to provide evidence-based home visiting services to nearly 1,800 families in 27 counties that have been identified as “high-risk”. All applicants must be a local public or non-profit agency, providing evidence-based home visiting services or an intent to provide evidence-based home visiting services in at least one of the high-risk counties.

Counties that have been identified as at-risk include: Adams, Allen, Athens, Butler, Clark, Coshocton, Cuyahoga, Fayette, Franklin, Gallia, Guernsey, Hamilton, Highland, Jackson, Lawrence, Lucas, Mahoning, Marion, Meigs, Montgomery, Morgan, Muskingum, Pike, Ross, Scioto, Summit and Vinton.

Approximately $6,716,200 will be available to fund up to 27 projects. Applicants may apply to provide evidence-based home visiting services for more than one county. However, ODH intends to only fund one applicant per county.

Applicants choosing to implement Healthy Families America or Parents As Teachers will be funded at $3,450 per slot. Applicants choosing to implement Nurse Family Partnership will be funded at $4,250 per slot. No grant award will be issued for less than $30,000.

A Notice of Intent to Apply for Funding must be submitted by August 10, 2021 so access to the application via the Internet website “ODH Application Gateway” can be established.

An information session regarding this grant opportunity will occur on August 5, 2021 at 1:00pm. The session will be held using Microsoft Teams, so video and a call-in option will be available. To receive the Teams link and an appointment please RSVP to Alicia Leatherman at by August 3, 2021.

Additionally, you can find more information about the grant opportunity and the application process by clicking on MH22 OMIECHV revised.pdf


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