Governor Mike DeWine and Lieutenant Governor Jon Husted have officially recognized November 2021 as Adoption Recognition and Recruitment Month.
This month provides an opportunity to spread awareness about adoption. National Adoption Month celebrates the families who have grown through adoption, and recognizes the journey of the many children who are still waiting for their destined families. In Ohio, it further highlights the more than 3,000 children in Ohio’s foster care system who are waiting to be adopted and nearly 1,400 of the children awaiting adoption are age 13 and older.

Adoption Recognition and Recruitment Month is a chance for individuals, families, businesses, organizations, communities, states, and the government to celebrate and promote adoption, a vital means to permanency for waiting children across the county. World Adoption Day is also celebrated in this month, on November 9, and is a global awareness day for this important cause.
This year, the Children’s Bureau at the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services urges us to prioritize having conversations with youth waiting for adoption. Every conversation matters because every child has a story, and it is our responsibility to help them on their journey by listening to their perspectives— whether you are a caregiver, mentor, educator, counselor, librarian, or any community member. We can empower youth to find their voice and help them on their path to permanency.
Visit the website to learn more and find tools and resources to educate yourself and your community about how we can achieve better outcomes for children and youth in need.
Ohio Children's Alliance members remain committed to helping vulnerable children and youth through behavioral health, foster care, and adoption services. Please join us as we focus our efforts and designate this November as Adoption Recognition and Recruitment Month.