The Prevention Services Clearinghouse released the following program ratings this week. The program ratings released are:
Aggression Replacement Training®-Promising
Child-Parent Psychotherapy (Re-review)-Promising
Circle of Security – Intensive™-Does Not Meet Criteria
Circle of Security – Parenting™-Does Not Meet Criteria
Familias Unidas-Well Supported
Familias Unidas – eHealth-Does Not Currently Meet Criteria
Family Centered Treatment (Re-Review)-Supported
Helping Women Recover + Beyond Trauma-Does Not Meet Criteria
Ohio’s Kinship Supports Intervention/ProtectOHIO (Re-review)-Promising
Parenting Wisely – Teen Edition-Does Not Meet Criteria
Parenting Wisely – Young Child Edition-Does Not Meet Criteria
Parenting with Love and Limits®-Supported
Safe Environment for Every Kid (SEEK™)-Does Not Meet Criteria
This brings the program count to:
11 well-supported
12 supported
19 promising
31 does not meet criteria
14 programs under review (includes 1 re-review)
Of note is the new rating for ProtectOHIO. The clearinghouse announced in September that it would reconsider the candidacy of Ohio’s Kinship Supports Intervention program, also known as ProtectOHIO. The clearinghouse dismissed the findings in March 2020 due to issues over “baseline equivalence,” essentially saying it was not clear if the comparison group and treatment group were enough alike.
One of the evaluation’s co-authors, Cailin Wheeler, re-ran the data to conform with the clearinghouse’s standards, and believed the findings would hold up. More than a year later, the clearinghouse has deemed it promising. The Ohio model, now approved, is now officially the first kinship navigator to do so.