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Remainder of Ohio's Stay Safe Order Lifted

Updated: May 28, 2020

Governor Mike DeWine has lifted Ohio's Stay Safe Ohio order an instead issuing "strong recommendations" to prevent spread of the coronavirus. Instead, the order will be replaced with an "urgent health advisory," which would:

  • Continue to limit mass gatherings to 10 people and require 6 feet of social distancing in public.

  • Advise hand washing and frequent cleaning.

  • Include safety requirements for businesses issued in recent weeks.

  • Lift travel restrictions and self-quarantining for 14 days upon return to Ohio.

In addition, DeWine is recommending that high-risk people stay at home when possible and wear a mask if they must leave their homes. Young and health Ohioans will be asked, not ordered, to stay at home whenever possible. Additionally, the Governor warned that he could order closures in the future to respond to outbreaks and noted local health departments have the authority to issue more restrictive health orders than the state.

This new order comes after the reopening of many sectors of Ohio’s economy: nonessential medical care (May 1); manufacturing, distribution, and construction (May 4); general office environments (May 4); and consumer, retail and service businesses (May 12). ODH released a Q and A guidance document for masks in the workplace to provide clarifications for businesses going forward.

Additionally, Ohio daycares and summer camps will be allowed to fully re-open on May 31. As with other industries, the state will impose mandates such as reduced numbers of children in each classroom and “intensified hand-washing practices,” among other changes. To help facilities face this transition, the state plans to use $60 million in federal funding from CARES, the federal coronavirus relief law. These funds will offset the costs of safety measures and smaller class sizes.


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