Two bills are currently moving through the legislative process that would support the child and family services workforce.
Ohio Senate Bill (SB) 131, sponsored by Senators Roegner and McColley, which would require Ohio to have occupational licensing reciprocity with other states, has passed out of the Senate unanimously.
The legislation would allow out-of-state licensees in good standing to obtain an Ohio license to practice their profession. It would require applicable licensure boards, including the CSWMFT Board, to grant a license to an applicant with an existing out-of-state license if certain conditions are met.
You can find more about the legislation here. It now moves to the House for consideration.
Legislation that would redesign requirements for certain foster care agency staff was signed by the Governor. Sponsored by State Senator Louis Blessing III, (R-Colerain Township) Senate Bill (SB) 239, would change the prerequisites for becoming a treatment caseworker.
In Ohio’s foster care system, “professional treatment staff" are the direct service workers providing in-home supports to children in treatment foster homes. This bill will modify the current requirements for private agency treatment staff to include similar prerequisites available to public agency staff.
Ohio Children’s Alliance members were integral to the passage of the legislation and join us in celebrating the good work of our state government leaders.
The challenges facing our foster care and behavioral health systems today require reconsideration of the licensure requirements for professional treatment staff. Our state continues to maintain near record numbers of children entering foster care needing additional supports. This legislation is a powerful tool in closing this gap while maintaining vigorous quality standards.
“We extend our sincere gratitude to Senator Blessing, the state legislature, and the Governor for the passage of this important legislation. The new law expands Ohio's treatment foster care workforce at a critical time,” said Mark Mecum, Ohio Children’s Alliance CEO.
SB 239 was signed by Governor DeWine on June 14, 2022 and becomes effective on September 12, 2022. The bill also initially contained a provision expanding home study assessor eligibility in Ohio which was later made law through House Bill (HB) 4. HB 4 became effective on May 30, 2022.
