Ohio Department of Medicaid a continuation of the process to implement innovative health care reforms.

In case you missed it: Ohio Department of Medicaid released the second Request for Information (RFI) for the new Managed Care Program. This RFI is a continuation of the process initiated by Governor DeWine to implement some of the most innovative health care reforms in the country. It examines the current health care experience of nearly 3 million Ohio Medicaid consumers and offers ideas to reduce barriers, streamline access, and enhance health care delivery.
According to the RFI, “MCOs, an ODM-contracted Behavioral Health Administrative Service Organization (ASO), and a network of regional Care Management Entities will work together to create a seamless delivery system for children, families and system partners.”
Responses to RFI#2 can be submitted to ODM before Tuesday, March 3. Throughout the managed care procurement process, the Managed Care Procurement mailbox – mcprocurement@medicaid.ohio.gov – will remain open as a way for individuals, providers, and advocates to communicate with ODM about the managed care program. Information about the first RFI is on ODM’s dedicated managed care procurement website at managedcare.medicaid.ohio.gov.