Notice of Ineligibility and Terminations
Weekly Email 10/13/20
• Process/Timing Change: To comply with State rule and the State Hearings Process, we need to make
a change to when Notices of Termination (NOT) are either mailed or delivered to Participants. Moving
forward all NOT's must be mailed or delivered to Participants fifteen (15) calendar days prior to the
termination date indicated on the Notice of Ineligibility (NOI). If you have any questions about this
please reach out to us.
o If the 15th day falls on a weekend, the NOT must be mailed or delivered on the Friday before
o If the Participant regains eligibility during the fifteen (15) day period prior to termination, simply
invalidate the NOT and move forward
o Do not terminate or end date anything in SACWIS until the actual NOI/NOT effective date
o Enter an activity log indicating when the NOT was sent or delivered
o Enter another activity log if the Participant becomes eligible and the NOT is being invalidated
o For Participants turning 21/aging out an NOT at 60 days prior to their 21st birthday is all that
needs to be done
o The Participant still has 15 days from the day the NOT was mailed or delivered to file an appeal
and receive benefits -- this has not changed. The 15 days just occurs before the NOT date now,
not after.
If the Participant files an appeal between the time they receive the NOT and the
termination effective date, but becomes eligible prior to the termination effective
date they should be instructed to withdraw the appeal
If the Participant files an appeal between the time they receive the NOT and
termination effective date, but does not become eligible prior to the termination
effective date, the same process we have now is still in place
If the Participant is terminated and has filed an appeal, but reenrolls before their
hearing, they should be instructed to withdraw the appeal
Weekly Email 10/1/20
• I want to clarify some confusion that arose with NOI's and NOT's after our last regional meetings. All
NOI's and NOT's must be either hand delivered to the Participant or left in a secure location at their
place of residence or mailed to their last known address. If you want to follow up with an email to the
Participant, that is fine, but it must be done only after one of the first three official options has been
accomplished and documented in SACWIS.